Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cuba to Eliminate Exit visa

Cuba to Eliminate Exit visa

Massive news coming out of Cuba where the Cuban government has decided to remove the exit visa on the Cuban people. This eliminiation of the exit visa has a dramatic impact on travel for the Cuban people. Now they will have  much less problems  traveling into foreign countries under this new policy. This removal of the exit visa is definitely Raul Castro's biggest advancement since his time under leading Cuba. Though this exit visa does ease traveling there are still specifics that complicate traveling more so than other countries. 
''The decree still imposes limits on travel by many Cubans. People cannot obtain a passport or travel abroad without permission if they face criminal charges, if the trip affects national security or if their departure would affect efforts to keep qualified labour in the country.''

 This new exit visa is shocking to me and also to other Cuban members because it seems they are changing from the goals they fought for. ''Look, I ask myself how far are we going to go with these changes. They have me a little confused because now all that was done during 50 years, it turns out we're changing it," said Maria Romero, a cleaning worker who was headed to her job Tuesday morning. "Everything they told us then, it wasn't true. I tell you, I don't understand anything." This massive change has left everyone wondering whether this is a step in the right direction for Cuba or is it a step backwards in their strive for independence.

It is the most significant advance this year in President Raul Castro's five-year plan of reforms that has already seen the legalization of home and car sales and a big increase in the number of Cubans owning private businesses.

Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/cuba-to-ease-travel-restrictions-eliminate-exit-visa-1.997529#ixzz2CpM6YXkQ

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