Monday, November 5, 2012

Hurricane Aftermath

President Martelly has issued a month-long state of emergency for Haiti. The country seems to be facing hardship after hardship with no delay between them. The total number of recorded deaths in Haiti has rose to 54, bringing the total for the carribean to 71. There are also 21 people that are still unaccounted for after the storm.
A couple of weeks ago, the deputy minister of public health issued a 10-year plan to clear cholera, but after the storm there is no clear idea as to when this epidemic will be put under control. The severe flooding has caused the an increase in cholera cases and less available aid to treat the ill.
One million and a half Haitians are now at risk of starving to death with 70% of the country's agriculture being destroyed by the storm. The total damage to infrastructure is estimated at 104 million dollars.

There are currently several humanitarian groups that are offering their aid in Haiti such as the "Medècins Sans Frontières" and the "Casques Bleus" (As pictured above).
We can only hope that Haiti as a nation stays strong through this time of extreme hardship and eventually finds some sort of prosperity.

The reality of the hardship facing Haitians

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